At the Life Nursery, we firmly believe that children learn through play.
The ability to do this by interaction, involvement and fun ensures a child can access learning in a non-pressurised way and therefore develop their abilities in all areas of learning. We encourage the children to be independent learners and promote children developing their own self help skills, including dressing and toileting independently. Children are encouraged to pour their own drinks, make their own choices in self-selection of snack and are supported to wash their own cup and plate after snack.
Children develop their social and communication skills as they talk and play with others, sharing their thoughts and experiences. We provide a range of stimulating and challenging activities and resources, following the children’s current interests and adapting and changing these as the needs of the children change. Our environment encourages natural curiosity both indoors and out, through exploration, problem solving, investigation and through ‘Awe and Wonder’ those magical experiences.
Settling in.
We understand the importance of children settling; feeling safe and secure in a new environment. We work closely with parents/carers to support their child’s individual needs.
Our All About Me booklet helps practitioners and parents share information such as likes, dislikes, feeding and sleeping routines; children’s interests and comfort strategies. We aim to make our nursery as homely as possible to promote comfort and security together with a sense of belonging and trust for each and every child and parent. You will be invited to visit with your child before their starting date. Starting with short visits building up to short sessions without you. If you feel your child would settle better with you staying with them, you are quite welcome to do this as we want you as parents/carers to feel happy too.
Keeping you informed.
Newsletters are sent out regularly to inform you of any important dates and activities happening at The Life Nursery. We value all contribution from parents and carers and pride ourselves in forming positive relationships with our parents and working in partnership in the interests of each child. We regularly update our Facebook Page with photos and key information.
Each child is assigned their own Key Person.
At The Life Nursery we are totally committed to choosing the right staff and giving them the right level of support to enable them to deliver our promises to you. We believe that the child’s welfare is paramount therefore each child is allocated a Key Person, this is the person who is responsible for keeping and updating your child’s development records and planning for their individual needs. It is important for the Key Person to establish a bond with your child to ensure they are happy, safe and content.